This page is not for RGS students. This is for students who are being schooled at home and want to follow the CIMT programme.
MS means the mark scheme (i.e. the answers).
November exam 2017
November exam 2017 MS
These sheets are useful for topic test preparation. Answers are at the end of each sheet.
Arithmetic with decimals
Negatives and Equations
Graphs and angles
Area perimeter and volume
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Probability and sets
Data Handling
March exam 2018
March exam 2018 MS
These sheets revise several topics at once.
Interleaf 1 Interleaf 2Interleaf 3 Interleaf 4
Interleaf 5 Interleaf 6
Interleaf 7 Interleaf 8
Interleaf 9 Interleaf 10
Interleaf 11 Interleaf 12
End of Year exam 2017 (paper 1)
End of Year exam 2017 (paper 2)
End of Year exam 2017 (both papers) MS
The links below come from the CIMT website.
Extra exercises: additional exercises on the topic, perfect for revision purposes. Answers are included at the end of the document.
Activities: a collection of investigational type tasks that may be used in class or set as a homework.
E-lessons: include explanations of topics taught, as well as self-marking exercises. Completing these pages is another great way to revise.
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
2.1 Place value and rounding 2.2 Decimals and place value
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
4.1 Decimals - addition/subtraction 4.2 Decimals - money
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
6.1 Multiplication - whole numbers 6.2 Long multiplication
6.3 Multiplication - decimals 6.4 Multiplication - problems
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
8.1 Division - mental 8.2 Division - written problems
8.3 Division - problems
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
15.1 Addition/subtraction 15.2 Multiplication/division
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
16.1 Basic algebra 16.2 Function machines
16.3 Linear equations
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
3.1 Scatter graphs 3.2 Plotting points
3.3 Negative numbers 3.4 Coordinates
3.5 Plotting polygons 3.6 Conversion graphs
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
5.1 Angles and turns 5.2 Measuring angles
5.3 Classifying angles 5.4 Angles on a line
5.5 Constructing triangles 5.6 Finding angles in triangles
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
7.1 Multiples 7.2 Finding the next term
7.3 Generating sequences 7.4 Formulas for general terms
Textbook Extra exercises
13.2 Extending sequences 13.3 Patterns and matchesticks
13.4 2-D number patterns
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
9.1 Area 9.2 Squares - area and perimeter
9.3 Rectangles - area and perimeter 9.4 Area of compound shapes
9.5 Area of a triangle
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
22.2 Volume of a cube 22.3 Volume of a cubiod
22.6 Triangular prism
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
10.2 Equivalent fractions 10.3 Fractions of quantities
10.4 Mixed numbers and vulgar fractions
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
20.2 Addition and subtraction 20.3 Multiplication
20.4 Division
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
17.1 Decimals to fractions 17.2 Fractions to decimals
17.3 Percentages 17.4 Decimals, fractions and percentages
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
21.1 Introduction to probability 21.2 Probability of a single event
21.3 Relative frequency 21.4 Complementary events
21.5 Estimating the number of successes 21.6 Addition law
21.7 Probability - general addition law
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
1.1 Logic puzzles 1.2 Two-way tables
1.3 Sets and Venn diagrams 1.4 Set notation
1.5 Logic and Venn diagrams
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
11.1 Types of data 11.2 Collecting data
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
18.1 Presentation 18.2 Mean, median and mode
18.3 Range 18.4 Comparing data
Textbook Extra exercises Activities
2.1 Factors and prime numbers 2.2 Prime Factors
2.3 Index notation 2.4 HCF and LCM
Textbook Activities
7.2 Translations 7.3 Enlargements
7.4 Reflections (ignore the title at the start)
7.5 Rotations
Please e-mail if any of the links don't work or if you can think of a way to improve the website. We cannot guarantee an immediate response as we spend most of the day munching through 16 kg of bamboo each and our paws are a bit big for typing. Our reply might end up in your spam folder - whatever one of those is.